Play For A Change

Episode #7 Fore Play

Episode Summary

Let's talk about foreplay! What has to be in place before you can play and be playful? Create "safe" (physical, and emotional) spaces to play, recognize why people do not or cannot play, and inviting people to the play. Come consider the foreplay... everyone is welcome on this playground.

Episode Notes

When people feel that they can try, and experiment and risk without fear they will play and persist until they find that perfect recipe for success.

What has to happen or be in place before we can be in a playful space? Fore Play!


Unlike children we don't jump into play as easily as adults.


Even under the most terrible conditions children play.

In post War Bomb sites and mass poverty children find play, it is a natural escape from reality and a way to make sense of senselessness. It is also practice for navigating reality, physically exploring and thinking your way around and between, having to rely on others and create your own path forward.


Have you ever watched children as they create a game or fantasy play in the space where there seems to be no set up for play?


Hardware stores and junkyards, your office and a restaurant.


Just the other day as I was watching a hockey game in a local arena.

I came across a large A frame sign that said "No playing, parents please keep your children under control in this area."

I had to laugh as this space was a beautiful wide-open arena viewing area with incredible checkers on the floors as tiles. There were benches to hide under and the sign itself was the perfect tent for building. So, it was like someone had said…


We set up this great space for your imagination please refrain from using it!


As I thought about this week's podcast I giggled and thought we set up the foreplay …. and then said no play allowed.


You see children don't need foreplay they can find it anywhere but adults we need some foreplay we need to think about what happens before people can be in a space where they can think freely, be themselves, remove the filters that keep us stifled, So how do you set up adult foreplay for play ?

What does your perfect play environment look like, what needs to be in place so that you can feel free to experiment, risk, think outside the parameters, with new lenses and ingredients, imagine something different, get lost in a moment or many moments…

Peter Grey’s research says :Adults can test the degree to which their work is play by asking themselves this: “If I could receive the same pay, the same prospects for future pay, the same amount of approval from other people, and the same sense of doing good for the world for not doing this job would I quit?” If the person would eagerly quit, the job is not play. To the degree that the person would quit reluctantly, or not quit, the job is play. It is something that the person enjoys independently of the extrinsic rewards received for doing it.
(P. Grey, )

This week let's consider the foreplay; what we do that sets people up to imagine, to not filter their response to speak from a place of genuine connection, and strength, without the fear of failure or judgement, let’s return to play and start to create lasting change…

Music Credits
Words: Abi Aquino of MullenLowe Philppines
Music: Jasper Perez
Artist: Quest
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered at Soundesign Manila, with special thanks to Raul Blay.